Clean Energy
Energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption are our priorities.
We are committed to a rational and sustainable energy model and are developing actions with the aim of becoming operationally carbon neutral by 2027.
Towards Zero Carbon Mission ,Over most of the energy we consume is now eco friendly and green we are focused on our vision to produce fine cotton yarns with environmental responsibility for the future.
In order to achieve this goal we already have a photovoltaic solar plant operating at full capacity.
Organic Cotton
Usage of harmful pesticides and chemicals are avoided in cultivation of Organic Cotton thereby improving the quality of the product.Since Almer textile is giving importance to healty products ,aiming to increase production of Organic Cotton Yarns.

The Better Cotton Initiative aims to reduce the amount of water and chemical usable to grow cotton at better farm conditions, improving the living standards of Farmers worldwide.

ALMER TEXTILE is OEKOTEX certified and we confirm our commitment to it at all times. We also emphasis on meeting our customers request for sustainably-sourced materials with lesser environmental impact from our supply sources.

ALMER TEKSTİL is a company with GOTS certificate. The Global Organic Textile Standard is the world's leading organic fiber standard in textiles, covering social, chemical and resultant properties at every stage of production. The aim of this standard is to ensure that textiles are consumed organically, from harvesting raw gin, to production based on cultivation and social awareness, and to making one that can be reassured to the end consumer.
Forest Project
For a greener future ,we will soon gift “Almer Textile Forest” to nature.

Forest Project
For a greener future ,we will soon gift “Almer Textile Forest” to nature.
Our Lab